EU funding to the UN for food and nutrition security (2008-2012)
Directorate General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (DG ECHO)Directorate General for Development and Cooperation - EuropeAid (DG DEVCO)TotalSource: United Nations Brussels office based on European Commission data, 2009-2013.
Thematic breakdown EU support to the UN for food and nutrition security (2008-2012)
Food assistance, emergency safety netsNutrition, therapeutic or supplementary feedingAgriculture and Rural DevelopmentOther areas: Forestry, fisheries, private sector development -
EU Food Facility contributions to UN Agencies
UN Agency Countries Total funding (in million €) FAO Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, CAR, DRC, Eritrea, Guatemala, Guinea Bissau, Eritrea, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Mozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Ni- geria, Pakistan, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Togo, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Rinderpest eradication programme 237,994,173 IFAD Madagascar, Mozambique, ECOWAS regional programme 51,682,272 UNDP Bangladesh, Cuba, Eritrea, Liberia 25,693,139 UNFPA Niger 2,000,000 UNICEF Mali, Niger, Liberia 16,229,000 UNOPS Myanmar 23,400,000 UNRWA Occupied Palestinian Territories 39,700,00 WFP Bangladesh, Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras, Liberia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Senegal, Sierra Leone 83,877,892 TOTAL 480,576,476 -
EU financial contributions to activities of the UN
Source: European Commission, 2013. Refers to funds from the European Commission EuropeAid and ECHO.
Thematic breakdown of EU contributions to UN activities in 2012
Includes financial contributions from ECHO and EuropeAid in 2012 only.
Source: United Nations Brussels office based on European Commission data, 2013.Since 2004, a single financial and administrative framework (FAFA) between the UN and the EU facilitates cooperation and improves the efficiency of the aid delivered.
The EU member states provide over 36% of the funding for UN peacekeeping operations and nearly 35% of the UN regular budget, as well as about one- half of all UN Member States’ contributions to UN funds and programmes.
Top 10 countries benefitting from EU support through the UN in 2012
Does not include UN regional programmes funded by the European Commission. Covers only agreements signed in 2012. Contributions to oPT cover the West Bank and Gaza, and support provided to Palestine refugees in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan.
Source: United Nations Brussels office based on European Commission data, 2013. -
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